Islington IPS Employment Service
Our Islington IPS Employment Service works with those receiving support from the following community mental health teams: the Early Intervention Service, South Islington Recovery Team and the North Islington Recovery Team.
Individual Placement & Support (IPS) is a clinically commissioned, evidence-based mental health employment service. We offer free, specialist advice and are integrated into all of Islington's mental health team in Primary and Secondary Care.
Our Employment Specialists offer free, rapid 1-2-1 employment support to help find the right job for you.
This means:
1-2-1 support
Rapid job search
Competitive employment
Access to employer network
In-work support
Better Off benefit calculations
Service fully integrated with your Clinical Team
Time unlimited support, including supporting you and your employer to retain employment once you are working
The IPS (Individual Placement and Support) service supports people under mental health services to access and retain employment.
For more information please contact or
by completing our online self-referral form.
Images on this page are credited to Holly Slotover.